

Harmful Effects Of Tobacco

By Medical Expert Team

Aug 10 , 2017 | 2 min read

Tobacco, the herb which was known for its medicinal properties has now become the deadliest substance in the world. It is the single greatest cause of preventable mortality and morbidity. Our country sees one million deaths per year. Around 90 million Indians are left diseased and 270 million people are living in distress owing to the consumption of tobacco. It is time that we rise to this alarming situation and understand its further repercussions if the younger generations are not warned. Every individual should take up the onus of spreading the message with regard to the injurious effects of smoking and chewing tobacco. Hard Facts:Tobacco smoke contains more than 4000 chemicals, out of which 250 are injurious and 60 are proven carcinogens. On the other hand, the chewable forms have 28 proven carcinogens. As many as 50% of cancer cases worldwide among men and 25% of cancers in women are tobacco-induced. Lung and Head and Neck cancers, which are the most common in developing countries, are induced by tobacco in 80% of the cases .

Harmful Effects of Tobacco

On The Central Nervous System (CNS)

Nicotine which is produced from smoke is a powerful CNS stimulant. In small doses, it stimulates the brain cells, while in higher doses it is a depressant. Research has shown that tobacco increases the risk of stroke and this risk increases with the amount smoked.

On The Respiratory System

The smoke contains substances which directly damage the lung. This causes chronic cough and shortness of breath, eventually leading to Emphysema and Bronchitis. It is also a known fact that smoking increases the risk of Pulmonary Tuberculosis and can kill an Individual due to lung carcinoma.

On The Cardiovascular System

70% of the incidence of Coronary Heart Disease around the world is tobacco induced. Tobacco lowers one’s good cholesterol and increases the stiffness of the blood vessels, thereby promoting the risk of blood clots in the heart. Nicotine through its vasoconstrictive effect is known to increase the blood pressure of the individual. The users, therefore, are at a five times higher risk of attack than non-smokers.

Peripheral Vascular Disease

Smoking can cause large peripheral vascular disease and inflammation in the vessel walls, leading to gangrene.

On Reproductive Health

Male Fertility

It reduces fertility by causing male impotence. It produces malformed sperms, reduces the number and decreases its motility.

On the Female Fertility

It takes longer for the woman to conceive if she is a smoker. Women who smoke have a poor response to fertility treatment.

In Pregnant Females

Tobacco is known to produce spontaneous abortion, stillbirths, preterm babies and low birth weight, babies. It is also known to produce foetal malformation.


Smoke increases the risk of cancers of the Head and Neck, Oesophagus, Stomach, Pancreas, Liver, Kidney, Ureter, Urinary bladder, Uterus, Cervix and Bone Marrow. The chewable form increases the cancers of the Oral cavity, Oesophagus and Pancreas.

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Medical Expert Team

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