

How Diabetes Affects Your Kidneys

By Medical Expert Team

Jul 25 , 2019 | 2 min read

Diabetes mellitus (DM), referred to as diabetes, is a metabolic disorder in which impaired insulin secretion or peripheral insulin resistance causes high blood sugar levels. Over a long period, diabetes is left untreated or leads to several complications. Some of the most common complications from diabetes include damage to vital organs such as the eyes, kidney, and heart.

Diabetes affects nearly 425 million people across the world. The statistics regarding diabetic kidney diseases are alarming. Researchers believe that about 30 percent of patients with Type 1 diabetes and nearly 10-40 percent of patients with Type 2 diabetes suffer from kidney disease. Kidneys are vital body organs.

Apart from removing waste products from the body, they also perform essential functions like maintaining the electrolyte balance and regulating blood pressure. They also assist in blood production and activate. When the kidneys are is a build-up of toxic wastes in the body. If the damage progresses, the patient may need dialysis.

Read more: Dietary Changes You Can Make To Improve Your Kidney Health

Diabetic Nephropathy

Diabetic kidney disease or nephropathy is the diabetes’ effect on kidneys. This happens over a long time (often years) with slight no symptoms at first.

Diabetes Mellitus causes damage to the small blood vessels of the body. Blood vessels in the kidneys get damaged, the kidneys do not effectively filter out wastes leading to toxic build-up in the body. While early kidney damage due to diabetes does not show any symptoms, as the damage progresses, the patients may lose their appetite, and there may be fluid retention in the feet and other parts.

It could also lead to abnormal amounts of protein in the urine. If left untreated, diabetic nephropathy could lead to kidney failure. People who have diabetes are also prone to hypertension or high blood pressure, which aggravates kidney damage.

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Prevention of Diabetic Nephropathy

  • No known medicine can reverse diabetes’ effect on kidneys.
  • Kidney damage from diabetes can be prevented or delayed with early precautions.
  • Early diagnosis and effective treatment can significantly reduce complications like nephropathy.
  • Regular medication, a healthy diet, and an exercise regimen help control blood sugar levels.
  • It is important to keep blood pressure under control.
  • Regular testing for diabetic nephropathy is essential.
  • Smoking is a risk factor; diabetic patients must quit smoking to protect kidney health.
  • Early diagnosis is key for prevention of diabetic nephropathy.
  • Even if diabetic nephropathy is present, its progression can be slowed and kidney failure can be prevented.

Read more: 7 Things To Avoid For a Healthy Kidney

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Medical Expert Team